Use "inspissate|inspissated|inspissates|inspissating" in a sentence

1. The egg yolk will inspissate.

2. Aloes, in medicine, is the inspissated juice of the aloe

3. Has anybody experienced to insert PD catheter patients with Adnations due to appendectomy? What is your opinion PD solution would inspissate in the excavation formed by the adnation and follow to risk of high solution absorption and infection?

4. Raisins, which consist chiefly of the juice of grapes, inspissated in the skins or husks by the avolation of the superfluous moisture through their pores, being distilled in a retort, did not afford any vinous, but rather an Acetous spirit.

5. Asafetida: ( as'ă-fet'ĭ-dă ), A gum resin, the inspissated exudate from the root of Ferula foetida (family Umbelliferae); malodorous material used as a repellent against dogs, cats, and rabbits, and formerly used as an antispasmodic; in Asia, used as a condiment and flavoring agent